Apply Now To Watch My Free Private Masterclass: 

How This 9 To 5 Employee Quit Their Job With A Little Known Automated High Ticket Enrollment System... And Made their yearly salary in 3 months working 10 hours a week!

(and how you can do the same by discovering these 3 counterintuitive secrets!)


You want to stop missing moments and be at home with your family.

But right now there is a problem...

You're stuck in the 9-to-5 grind, trading precious time with your loved ones for a paycheck with your current job keeping you away from the memories you should be making with your family.

You are frustrated with all the fragmented information online and wish you had a proven, step by step roadmap to follow from someone who has done it before.

You want to reach your full income potential with a business that doesn't place limits on how much you can make (without having to put in more time to do it). 

Breaking free from the rat race shouldn't be a mystery.

Without the practical skills you need to grow your business and create your high ticket program so you can get home, it's going to cost you...

You will never achieve your dream life

Financial freedom, uncapped income, time freedom, making money while you sleep & being there full-time to see your kids grow up - these things will never be possible if you don't take the first step!

1,000's of people will miss out on what you have to offer

Your program idea is something that people need (even if you don't know it yet) - Doing nothing and wasting your potential not only affects you, but others too.

You continue to choose between time and money.

You're working to make more but have less time to spend it. You want more time? They want you to believe you have to give up financial security and making money. If you don't understand the secrets to breaking free - the cycle continues.

You'll keep guessing at which path leads to business success

You're sick of trial and error, and you're ready for a SYSTEMATIC approach that will help you achieve your goals FASTER.

And... you don't need any prior business experience.

 Apply now to join Coach Danielle in this Private Value Packed Masterclass, and get the roadmap you need to create your online business from scratch and fire your boss for good! Have the time and income to live and give the way you've always prayed for. 


Imagine for a second that you could...

Have an impact and change the lives of others.

We've helped people create high ticket programs that have saved them time, money, and years of frustration. From saving marriages to creating income, becoming more productive or losing weight, learning a skill, or enjoying a new hobby. Nothing feels better than impacting others while increasing your income.

Make tens of thousands of dollars every month fairly passively.

There's not a better feeling than waking up in the morning with a big, warm cup of coffee and checking your emails to see what sales came in overnight. You can structure your business in such a way that this is possible, and it's wonderful.

Have confidence and never feel weird about selling your program.

When you love the products that you sell and you know that they WORK, you feel confident in what you're doing. No need to put a salesman hat on or to beg for sales. It comes naturally when you're communicating in the right way.

Turn your online business into your full-time career!

Quitting our full-time jobs was a bit scary, I won't lie. But one thing I knew for sure... I wasn't going back. Not when you get a taste of what life is like on the other side -- when YOU get to design your days and work every minute for yourself.

Let me help you build your first online business.

I am Danielle, the creator of High Ticket Freedom Formula. I've made seven figures using this exact system I teach in just 8 months.

But what's more impressive is that my clients have gotten the same results and even better. 

As a Christian, my faith is the most important thing in my life, so my methods are based on biblical principles that have worked since God created the world.

➡️ No dishonest sales tactics or high-pressure sales schemes. ⬅️

Just serving diligently the people God has brought to me and helping them create high ticket and high impact programs to spread the impact onward all with an automated high ticket enrollment system. 

Now it's your turn!

I've helped hundreds of clients transform their lives by creating 6 and 7 figure courses.

More than 500+ clients with successful businesses

People with different backgrounds, skillsets, personality types and goals - all have succeeded through the High Ticket Freedom Formula methods.   

700+ courses/coaching programs created 

Course creation shouldn't be complicated - but when you don't have a guide it's easy to get lost. Let me show you the fast track method my previous clients have used to create a profitable course ASAP. 

$40,000,000+ in client revenue generated 

You can't unlock freedom without a profitable program! My clients have generated multiple millions in sales from their own programs, some with 6 and even 7 figure businesses now, all from a single offer. That could be you!

And now I can help you achieve the same results in this premium group coaching program... 


The High Ticket Freedom Formula 

Group Coaching Program

Get the simple step-by-step plan & all the support you need in this program.

Unlock 6 figure months on evergreen with this proven step-by-step formula!

Here's what you'll get in the program:

Lifetime access to the top to bottom course

You'll receive lifetime access to the High Ticket Freedom Formula Curriculum and videos that will give you all the how to's and tech guides to helping you create and sell your high ticket group coaching + course combo program.

12 monthly group coaching calls

Get first hand access and assistance from me (Coach Danielle) so that you can have all your questions answered from an experienced 7 figure coach and hear the questions of others in the group.. for a full 12 months!

A private 'MASTERMIND' online community group

On top of receiving weekly access to me, you'll also have access to the other top level entrepreneurs who are going alongside this journey with you where you can discuss ideas, as well as to inspire and motivate each other.

How High Ticket Freedom Formula Works


Complete the application to receive an invite to watch my exclusive Private Masterclass 


If accepted, I will send you the invitation to watch my Private Masterclass


Enroll into the High Ticket Freedom Formula Program, create and sell your high ticket program and enjoy income on autopilot!

Here are the bonuses you'll get:

Millionaire Mindset Shift

($197 Value)

Learn some mindset shifts that will help you prepare for what’s to come and the 3 necessary shifts to hit 6 figures a year from one course.

Lead Magnet Legend

($397 Value)

Learn what it takes to create an irresistible lead magnet to draw in your ideal customers and gain their trust.

Perfect Pricing Guide

($397 Value)

Learn how to get people to your 10K funnel and create content that turns viewers into buyers.


 ✅ Lifetime Access

 ✅ Future Updates

The online business world is constantly changing. As algorithms change and we update our strategies, we continue to update all of our courses! You will ALWAYS get access to these updates right within the course!

AND, we've made this program super simple for you through our...



The Simple Step-By-Step, Template-Driven System that allows YOU to build your business without all the stress, while MAXIMIZING your sales page conversions!


✅ No need to WORRY about how to format your page

✅ Get your business up and running QUICKER!

30 Day DO THE WORK Money-back Guarantee

You have a full 30 days to try Create A Course & Quit. Use it, and if you aren’t satisfied with your results, email me with your completed work and I will refund 100% of your investment.


Why do I feel so confident in Create A Course & Quit? This program has worked for hundreds of aspiring entrepreneurs just like you. They’ve been where you are, they’ve done the work, and they’ve gotten to the other side. I know that if you commit to taking action and following the system, soon I’ll be sharing your story right alongside theirs.

Take a look at High Ticket Freedom Formulas'

client success stories!

Zara Taylor

"I was ready to give up on my dreams of financial freedom until I discovered Danielle's program. I was burnt out at my day job and looking for a way out. Her unique approach and unwavering support have not only helped me reach my income goals (with consistent $20K months as a complete beginner), but also given me the confidence and skills to create a life of fulfillment and abundance. I can't thank Danielle enough for changing my life.

Anaya Wilson

"I am literally crying while typing this, I've just made 4 sales of my $6,000 program in 1 week! And the craziest part is I only worked for 5 hours to do it! I am not only planning trips but changing my family tree by building wealth and viewing my future in a completely different light. I truly feel freedom that I doubted was possible at one point. It's a dream come true!

Olivia Thompson

"Danielle's program is a breath of fresh air in the crowded online business world. Her authenticity, transparency, and proven system have empowered me to break free from the shackles of a 9-to-5 job and create a thriving online business. I've made $55,000 in sales ($17K cash) in my first 3 months on autopilot with a high ticket marriage improvement program. I am now home with my little girls and prayerfully my husband will be joining me very soon! i'm forever grateful for her guidance and the incredible results I've achieved."  

Apply Here, Limited Spots Available! 

Just answer a few quick questions to apply now to get invited to my LIVE Private Masterclass to learn the 3 secrets I used to quit my job with a little known automated high ticket enrollment system... and made my yearly salary in 3 months working 10 hours a week!

PLUS, you'll receive the opportunity to work with me personally in my program! 

Still got questions? We have the answers!




✅ Lifetime Access to the proven step-by-step guide to fast-track your course success

✅ 20+ Pages of templates and worksheets so you see results quickly

✅ Clarify, validate and create, and get buyers to your course in 90 days

✅ 12 Weekly Group Coaching Calls & Monthly Q&A 9 months after - 1 FULL year of support! 





✅ Lifetime Access to the proven step-by-step guide to fast-track your course success

✅ 20+ Pages of templates and worksheets so you see results quickly

✅ Clarify, validate and create, and get buyers to your course in 90 days

✅ 12 Weekly Group Coaching Calls & Monthly Q&A 9 months after - 1 FULL year of support! 


🔐 Secure Checkout

Who is the program for?

People who are ready to make enough money to quit their job and stay home (single or married)

Whether you want to supplement your husbands income, replace yours entirely, or out-earn both of you combined - it has all been done before.

People who genuinely want to help others

If you genuinely want to help others and make income at the same time then this is for you. And also being able to help your family, church and community - to use your income for a greater impact!

Those who want to do business honestly, ethically & in a way that honors God

If you are tired of seeing scammy & unethical ways of making money online then this is for you! So you can make money while never sacrificing what matters most.

Who is the program NOT for?

People who want a get rich quick scheme

This is NOT a guarantee that you will be successful overnight with no work. All the steps for you to be successful are here, but you do have to take them. This progam only works if you do.

Slackers, hand-holders, and people not willing to dive in deep

If you're the kind of person who doesn't follow directions, won't stick to a proven path, won't use the resources given to them and always has an excuse - don't bother joining! 

Those who want to be rich by any means necessary

Scheming, scamming and high pressure sales tactics are NOT welcome here. If the thought of selling a bad product to your customer doesn't make you uncomfortable, then this isn't for you. 

More High Ticket Freedom Formula success stories...

Brittany M.

 "My highest month prior to HTFF was $12K, now I consistently make that or more every week on evergreen enrolling 2 to 4 $8K clients per week.

I am seeing my clients have better results than the self-study course version ever did. The only thing I regret is not finding Coach Danielle sooner!"

Ted A.

I've been dreaming of selling high ticket for years but never wanted to do sales calls.

Finding HTFF was a God-send!

I've done $145,000 in the last 11 days with zero sales calls on evergreen and finally have an offer that can handle as many enrollments as I can get.

Without compromising on the results my students get, thank you isn't enough!

Brandy B.

"I was selling a self-study program for $500 that I knew needed to be more with all the additional support and calls I was providing, but I didn't know how to make the switch and had so many doubts...

but after HTFF I went from $5K - $10K/month to $150K- $200K month in 3 months making 15 to 20 $10K program sales on evergreen.

Learning how to attract the people who will pay was pivotal. Doing this, I have helped more people on a deeper level than ever before. 

It's time for your transformation!

This is your life now...

Waking up each morning with a sinking feeling, dreading the thought of another day in a job that drains your soul

Feeling trapped in a cycle of unfulfilling work, longing for something more meaningful and purposeful

Dealing with knowing you aren’t reaching your highest income potential and knowing you could be making double what you’re bringing in now

Now picture your life after...

Waking up with a renewed sense of purpose and excitement, eager to tackle each day in a career that lights a fire in your soul

Stepping into your true potential and realizing the incredible impact and income you can make serving others with your program

Experiencing a deep sense of fulfillment and joy as you thrive in your business, knowing that you're making a difference in the world

Go on then, what are you waiting for! Secure your spot TODAY. 

Limited time and spots available!