*Insert value proposition here*

(Even if you're [thing that's stopping them from achieving desired thing] OR [another thing that's stopping them from achieving desired thing])

✔️ *feature of the product OR benefit customer will receive/experience*

✔️ *feature of the product OR benefit customer will receive/experience*

✔️ *feature of the product OR benefit customer will receive/experience*


You want to [customer desired outcome] and feel [positive emotion from getting result]

"But right now there's a problem" text. 

A problem the customer is experiencing 1

Elaborate on the problem that the customer is experiencing.

A problem the customer is experiencing 2

Elaborate on the problem that the customer is experiencing.

A problem the customer is experiencing 3

Elaborate on the problem that the customer is experiencing.

A problem the customer is experiencing 4

Elaborate on the problem that the customer is experiencing.

*Insert here an inspirational desired situation your customer wants to be in*

Elaborate on the transitional statement (optional). 

*Insert value proposition statement here that conveys what you can do for your customer*

*insert your "about me" text here*

"In this free *insert the type of lead magnet (eBook, Checklist etc.)*, we'll show you:" text

✔️ *What the customer will receive/learn/experience* 1 

✔️ *What the customer will receive/learn/experience* 2

✔️ *What the customer will receive/learn/experience* 3

✔️ *What the customer will receive/learn/experience* 4

*Insert value proposition statement that exhorts customers to opt-in*

Elaborate on the value proposition statement (optional).